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TSA Issues a Draft of Security, Privacy and Compliance for Registered Traveler Program

Today, the TSA issued a press release on the availability of a draft made publicly available about the Security, Privacy and Compliance for Sponsoring Entities and Service Providers for Registered Traveler Program.

If you haven’t already, check out the Registered Traveler Program home page, and then go read the Registered Traveler Standards Draft (Zip format – 2.5mb, consisting of 7 PDF files and a comment form)

This draft is released for public comment (send your responses to on your opinions about Security, Privacy and Compliance on the program.

Here’s one question I have about the program in general. Say I’m a registered traveler. Someone steals my wallet or mugs/kills me to get my ID. How do they confirm that the person holding the ID is actually that person? Please tell me they thought about that…

Oh, and they still quote the costs to be around $100 for your participation, but the annual cost is estimated to be closer to $200 per person according to mainstream media.