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Make Your Own Travel Journal

travel-journals.jpgMake Your Own Travel Journal – Easier than you think.

Every traveler has one , or two, or three…if note a whole shelf of travel journals. The next time you are in need of a new one, why not make your own travel journal? In this article we will show you some of the best websites that teach you how to make your own travel journal.

Making your own travel journal, other than just being cool, is a great way to keep you motivated to write in it. Not to mention it will help make your travel journal something you want to read years later. All it takes to learn how to make your own travel journal is a few bucks and less than a hour of your time.

If you want a customized travel journal but dont really feel like learning how to make your own travel journal, you have a couple options. Websites like LuLu and CafePress have printing options that allow you to make your own travel journal with minimal effort. Keep in mind though that its more expensive to make your own travel journal this way.

Here are our favorite sites that teach you how to make your own travel journal:

Make your own moleskin notebook
Make Your Own Photo Journals and Notebooks
Teesha Moore – How to make journals
Craftzine – Make your own journal

Now you have no excuse to not make your own travel journal. If you do end up making your own travel journal, please share!!! We would love to see what you come up with!